Shipping Fee

Shipping fees vary by country and region.

The approximate amounts are listed below.


Country / Region One item only Second and subsequent items
America ¥430 +¥140
Europe (including the UK) ¥480  + ¥160
EFTA member countries ¥1090 +¥120
Canada ¥690 +¥170
Australia/New Zealand ¥800 +¥140
Japan ¥480 +¥160
Brazil ¥491 +¥273
Worldwide ¥980 +¥330



Country / Region One item only Second and subsequent items
America ¥430 +¥80
Europe (including the UK) ¥450 + ¥98
EFTA member countries ¥1040 +¥90
Canada ¥690 +¥120
Australia/New Zealand ¥570 +¥120
Japan ¥550 +¥110
Brazil ¥436 +¥109
Worldwide ¥550 +¥110


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.